Episode 11: It's Not Easy Being Green
/“If we want to keep our profession viable and sustainable moving forward we have to look at being part of a solution to some of these energy and environmental challenges that are in front of us.”
As the founder of Sustainable Real Estate Consulting Services and as an advisory board member for the NAR Green Resource Council, Craig Foley has seen first-hand how becoming more knowledgeable about sustainable real estate can help brokers and agents meet market demands, command higher prices for properties, and contribute to a global trend toward more energy efficient and, eventually, net-zero efficient buildings. In this conversation with Emily, he talks about trends on the horizon and how you can better serve your customers, as well as changes you can make right now to understand the green home revolution.
Craig is an Agent Partner at LAER Realty Partners and he will be joining us for Global Week on June 25 to June 27. Learn more about Craig here, and get more advice and insight from him on Twitter at @EnergyGeekCraig, at ReThink39 at LAIR Realty Partners Facebook page, Sustainable Real Estate Consulting Services’ Facebook page, and on LinkedIn. You can check all of our ScratchThat episodes on Anchor, SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, and Google Play. Subscribe today!